Saturday, April 14, 2012

How do I get my hair like U2's Bono, need hairstylists opinion and help?

here is a picture of bono

my hair sometimes looks like that, on a good day, most of the time the hair in front above my forehead gets loose and crazy and wants to dangle in front of my eyes, and the back is wild since my hair is wavy. What are some good products to make my hair stay like that, and should I get it cut a certain way? I havnt cut my hair at all, except trims, and its about the length in that picture. What can I ask a stylist to do?

and please no commentary from guys putting in their 2cents unless its helpful to my question, thanks

How do I get my hair like U2's Bono, need hairstylists opinion and help?

Each persons hair is unique like each person's finger print. You have to experiment with different things to find out what makes yours just right.

How do I get my hair like U2's Bono, need hairstylists opinion and help?


im sorry to burst your bubble

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