Saturday, April 14, 2012

Short hair undesirable?

... that's what someon told me.

I recently cut my hair short--choppy, layered, that stops a little before the end of the earlobe--and though my friends, and my parents, and even my stylist thinks that I look better than before, I have had little attention from men.

I used to be showered in attention, but now, the compliments and dates have slowed down to a trickle.

I am not butch, not by far, yet I am afraid that men think I am a lesbian, which I am not.

I asked a pseudo-friend of mine--he's pretty much an asshat, though--and he told me that short hair was undesirable and very much associated with being a dyke.

I feel pretty, I really do, but I'm worried that it might be true. Is it?

Brutally honest answers would be appreciated, thanks.

Short hair undesirable?

There is nothing inherently gay about any fashion choice. Those who answered above me correctly said that having short hair does not make you a lesbian or somehow less feminine. I would hasten to add that those two things are not the same. I have known some lesbians who were incredibly feminine.

I would hope that you would understand that this is a two-way street. In my experience, women (mostly pre-teens/teens) are very quick to greet any male questions about hair removal, makeup or wearing pink with "eewwwwww", "gross" or "gay". This is just as untrue as the response you seem to be encountering.

That said, you will encounter many people who see fashion choices as black and white, or, more appropriately, blue and pink. You can't really expect your choice of hair to please these people, but do you really want to?

It took me decades to figure out that I had the right to wear what I want to wear because I want to wear it, and comments similar to those of your pseudo-friend still make me doubt at times, but you can get past them. The key is to style yourself for yourself and not for those around you. This decision won't be without consequences, but it's probably one you can live with. If not, Cosmopolitan would not mind having one more subscriber.

Short hair undesirable?

That is not true! The only way you would look like a dyke is if your hair or you looked like a boy. But you dont so no. Short hair can also be pretty!

Short hair undesirable?

Maybe- I wouldn't think that- but to some extent I think that guys like longer (at least past the shoulder) better. Not too long but somewhere on your back.

Try curling the ends of your hair, and use lots of blush. I'm sure your dating will pick up :)

good luck.

as long as you know who you are, though, you're fine.

Short hair undesirable?

Of course it's not true, your friend is--what'd you say?--an asshat. Your hair does not make you who you are, and anyone who looks at someone with short hair and says "she's a dyke" is an idiot. I know lots of girls with short hair, all are beautiful and most of them have boyfriends. Just give it time. Short hair is not that common these days, and most guys are...shallow, to say the least.

Short hair undesirable?

There is men out there that want their lady to have short hair. Only the insecure and shallow will judge a female with short hair as a dyke. You wouldn't want to have anything to do with such narrow minded individuals that only judge an individual on their personal preferences.

Many guys compliment the hair because if they say you have beautiful body or beautiful lips, such statements might create an undesirable response from a female. Let's face it: Females love compliments but we feel uneasy when we think that a guy only see us as sex objects. Men are well aware that certain statements are told to certain females.

Enjoy your short hair and your femininity because a feminine lady is always more than her hair.

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