Monday, April 23, 2012

If you have information that would be helpful to someone you don't know would you make it a poi

A girl I know who is a hairstylist got a job at a salon. I don't know the owner, I do know another girl that works there. The girl that got the job burned my friends head and made her hair fall out. She mixes color with water to make the color lighter (thats stupid, you just use a lighter color, I am a hair stylist as well) After she quit where we worked together anyone who was dumb enough to let her cut their hair came to me to fix it. All their hair was a hot mess, nothing was even, a lot of the women had ended up with mullets. My question is, is it my business to make sure the owner of the new salon knows the things she does? Should I just let it go and let them find out for theirself? I really am worried that there will be a lawsuit. If I was in the owner's shoes I would want to know.

If you have information that would be helpful to someone you don't know would you make it a point to tell them

don't say anything until you witness it. if you say something before it happens you'll come off bad. you might bring it up in conversation with co workers that you've worked with this girl before but don't let on to much. it always comes back to bite you.

If you have information that would be helpful to someone you don't know would you make it a point to tell them

Didn't this person have to take State Boards? And generally hairdressers are constantly learning new things at seminars. And the owner of the place where you work didn't check what kind of work she did. That is a strange way to do a business. A reputation of a business is hard to mend once it has been damage ,and word of mouth travels fast.

If you have information that would be helpful to someone you don't know would you make it a point to tell them

You will need to keep your mouth shut on this for a while. If it appears that she is still making a hash of her work, then you might have a quiet word with the owner but, you have no idea at the moment whether or not she has taken additional qualifications or upgraded her knowledge. So best keep quiet for now.

If you have information that would be helpful to someone you don't know would you make it a point to tell them

Garribaldi's Almanac for the Unemployed states that:

"Truth is usually experienced before it is categorized." I think this girl's new boss ought to talk to your boss--check references and whatnot, like bosses usually do.

If you have information that would be helpful to someone you don't know would you make it a point to tell them

It's non of your business.

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