Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hair Question??

i cannot get my hair to grow for anything!! it grows but, i told the stylist 2 just cut of THE DEAD ENDS ONLY, and she cut it off 2 inches!! everytime it gets 2 the point where it was, i have 2 get it cut again becasue the ends are dead!! i use a flat iron everyday. if i dont flat iron my hair it looks like crap though so im going 2 do it everday. do yall know anyway i can do it without spliting my ends?

Hair Question??

Make sure you use something to protect your hair while you are using the flat iron. I know what you mean about having to use it, I'm in the same boat. Just make sure you protect it with a heat protecting spray (Tresemme makes one that works very well) Then make sure you go and get a trim about once a month. Don't tell them to cut off the dead ends, tell them to trim it. Hope that helps!

Hair Question??

If the stylist is cutting 2 inches everytime you get it cut, maybe you need to get it cut more often. The longer you wait between haircuts, the more and further the ends split. Try having about a half inch cut off every 6-8 weeks and see if you can tell a difference. Make sure you use a good conditioner and don't wash your hair every day. Try washing it every 2-3 days and the flat iron may not dry it out as much.

Hair Question??

No, unless you stop using the flat iron you will continue to dry out the ends. Sorry.

Hair Question??

well if u use the irons every day of course its going to keep splitting must use a protector cutting split ends is the only way to prevent them get a good salon treatment to use every week

Hair Question??

Get less trimmed off more often! You should get your split ends trimmed every few weeks if they are really bad.

If you use a flat iron everyday, buy a good heat protectant cream or spray. It will protect your hair from drying out from the heat.

Also, use a shampoo/conditioner made for split ends, and use a deep conditioner on your hair at least once every week to keep it from drying out.

Be gentle with your hair when you are straightening it, too; pulling too hard or too fast can cause the hair to break and causes split ends!

And always, always use a heat protectant when blow drying/straightening!!

More info to help prevent them here:

Hope this helped. =)

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