Saturday, April 14, 2012

Hair help!!! PLEASE?

my hair is one inch long!

the stylist was supposed to cut it and leave it 3 - 3 1/2 inches, but she only left half an inch... and i HATE it...

how can i get it to grow qiucker i use prenatal vitamins, and mane and tail shampoo... what else???

is 1 inch too short for clip in hair extentions?

Hair help!!! PLEASE?

Hair is made from protein, so try eating protein rich food like eggs, fish and reduce the stress in your daily life. More tips at

Hair help!!! PLEASE?

Don't straighten your hair.

Comb it alot so the oils spread around your roots.

I'm not sure if one inch is too short for extensions, go to a salon and see if it is or not.

Good luck.

Hair help!!! PLEASE?

U can use Doo Gro,Dr.Miracle,or vitamins dat promote hait growth.U can find all this at Wal-Mart.They work.And yea u have enough hair for full extensions.Just go to someone who knows what their doin.

Hair help!!! PLEASE?

1 inch is too short for extensions. You need to have enough hair to cover the extension. Eat healthy, drink plenty of water, and you can try prenatal vitamins. No shampoo is going to help the hair grow. Try to be patient. I know it sucks. But in a month or two your hair will look better to you.

Hair help!!! PLEASE?

i don't know any shampoos or anything like that but you will probably just have to let it grow out.

Hair help!!! PLEASE?

There is really nothing to help your hair grow faster that is just a myth that using certain things to help the process! Actually I bet your hair looks really cute, but I know how it can be if you don't like your hair cut! The only thing I can think of is to get a wig. I have all kinds of wigs...but my hair is long I just wear them sometimes for a new dew!!! They also come with baseball caps attached to them were it looks like a pony tail out of the back. Also, I wanted to tell glad you have at least a little bit of hair because my mother-in-law just got finished with KEMO and she has no hair. Just a tid bit of positive thinking! Hope everything works out!

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