Saturday, April 14, 2012

Do barber colleges generally have dorms?

Do barber/hair stylist colleges have dorms? The only good hair colleges in my area are too far to drive to and from every day. I'm just 13, but I've been wanting to cut hair for a living since I was 11. I'm gonna stick with it, and now I need to start looking into a barber college. There's one in Gretna, but I hear bad things about it so I'm not going there. The next closest one is a good 3 hour drive away from where I'm currently living. So I need to know because I need to live somewhere close to the college. If they have dorms, I needn't worry about the living situation, but if there aren't any, I can make arrangements to get an apartment somewhere nearby. Thank you if you answer. =]

Do barber colleges generally have dorms?

Most of the cosmetology schools require you to communicate. My grandson attended one.

Do barber colleges generally have dorms?

I'm pretty sure you're going to have to get your own place close to the barber college.

I must say that I really enjoyed the previous comment -- I also believe barber school will require you to communicate.

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