Wednesday, May 9, 2012

What Would You Do If This Happened To You?

My fiancee is a hairstylist. We live together, raise (my) son together (son is from my first marriage), and we are expecting a baby on March 13th. I was recently told that I'm not allowed to go to the salon that he works at anymore. I RARELY went there in the first place. If I did go there, it was to either bring my fiancee something that HE asked me to bring him OR to have my son's hair cut (which I would pay for). The max. time that I would spend there is 5-10 minutes and sometimes less (unless my son was getting his haircut. Then I was there for about 20-30 minutes) I asked a few of the other stylist why I have been asked not to return to the salon and they said, "He doesn't need you when he's at work. He has us." WHAT WOULD YOU DO??? I've even thought of asking my fiancee to find another place to work. I don't know. I haven't said anything to him yet. PLEASE REPLY!

What Would You Do If This Happened To You?

First off since you are pregnant you really should avoid his place of work because there are chemicals there that can cause your unborn child problems. Beyond that, there is something wrong and you need to get to the bottom of it. If the only time were showing up there was when your son needed a haircut or when your fiancee asked you to bring him something then you have done nothing wrong. I don't think spouses should be hanging out at a place of buisness but there are times when they may need to stop by. You should confront your fiancee about what is really going on.

What Would You Do If This Happened To You?

you should tell whats happening and explain what you feel and if he loves you he'll understand

What Would You Do If This Happened To You?


What Would You Do If This Happened To You?

Talk to him and express how this makes you feel. maybe he should set the record straight with the catty little bitches at the salon !

What Would You Do If This Happened To You?

you're wrong. He's not faithful. He's sleeping with her.

Just my guess

What Would You Do If This Happened To You?

I think that you should ask him why they don't want you there, and tell him you want the truth.

What Would You Do If This Happened To You?

The other stylists have their noses where it doesn't belong. They probably lied and told the manager you were bothering customers, blah blah blah. Tell your b/f he is not to call you and ask you to bring him anything when he's at work. Hopefully he'll wise up and see for himself that he works with a bunch of trouble makers.

What Would You Do If This Happened To You?

It is weird, maybe it is nothing try not to make a big deal out of this so what you can't go there any more everything is okay with him right? he is not changed or anything if so just forget about it and don't let it bother you even if he didn't give you a reason!

What Would You Do If This Happened To You?

If you two are planning to get married, and he is keeping something from you, then that should be a red flag to you.

What Would You Do If This Happened To You?

You did such a great job at answering my question about the girl at work emailing me, that I thought I would take a stab at yours. Thanks again!

Men react differently to pregnancies. In your case, he has two committments he is under pressure from. Also, has he shown the same or more desire for you during the pregnancy? And have you shown him as much desire? These things have their impact on a man. I've seen men totally disgusted by a pregnant wife and not able to touch her after the birth. I've also seen men that are so turned on by pregnancy(me included), they go crazy for her! So yes, you need to talk. I have been in his situation before and it really, really seems that they are just covering for him. I don't think this is their idea at all. So talk it up sweetheart. You sound oh so sweet. Good luck.

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