Monday, April 23, 2012

Aaaaaaaaaaah! help please?

i had my hair cut today, and the stylist trimmed my bangs weirdly so they are straight-across bangs that end at the top of my nose [eyelash length]. it looks SO bad on me because i have a round face and a small forehead. i told her i wanted to keep my angled side bangs, but she totally messed up.

how can i hide the bangs? when i pin them up to the side, the hair sticks out because it's a blunt cut and it looks horrible and messy.

how soon will it take before i can sweep them to the side? the ones at the opposite ends of the sweep are too short right now to sweep . . . when i try, it's at the middle of my forehead and looks ridiculous.

Aaaaaaaaaaah! help please?

you can try pulling them up and bobbypin it... like the one below.... it actually lengthens your forehead^^

it usually takes about 1 month or so so the hair to grow and smooth out more^^

Aaaaaaaaaaah! help please?

You think thats bad? I had my hair stylist cut my bangs way above my eyebrows.. I was so mad it took me to clips to get them back.. It took awhile for them to grow back ( but your hair will probaly grow at a differant rate than mine ) You could always buy some cute headbands and then put your hair in a pony tail.. It would look really good. ( Lululemon has cute headbands )It should take long till you can sweep them to the side. Good luck.

Aaaaaaaaaaah! help please?

I totally feel for you...I was recently maimed by a haircutter as well. Maybe a headband? Or try parting your bangs to either side instead of swept to one side?

Aaaaaaaaaaah! help please?

sorry to say messy is probably what you will have to do.

but use the messy still to your advantage.

pull the bangs back with a headband and if they stick up bobby pink them down.

pin them back and to the side their are on and pin the parts that stick up

you might have to use a lot of pins but it will look cute if you take time to move it around.

Aaaaaaaaaaah! help please?

it is okay darling! dont be mad or anything it is okay, just pin it up to the top and it should be fine and dont make a big deal cuz if you dont no 1 else will

Aaaaaaaaaaah! help please?

Its not that bad.

Belive me you are just not used to it and its hard to look at now. They grow retty fast so in about a month you will be able to do with them what you want. Meanwhile you can wear a head band and reveal ur forhead, or use obby pins and pin them up. or try parting them to the sideand maybe wait a lil bit and then cut them like reese witherpoon (the whispy full head bangs) that would look good on you. good luck

Aaaaaaaaaaah! help please?

If you don't like don't. Chances are no matter which way you lay your bangs you arent going to like it. Why not go back to the salon, politely tell them how unhappy you are, ask them what they can do, and 9 times out of 10 they will correct the mistake free of charge. Obviously, you can't replaced cut off hair, but maybe they can cut it different to make you happy.

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